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About us



Kookiri ki Taamakimakaurau Trust is a kaupapa Maaori organisation that aims to prevent and eliminate alcohol's unequal and disproportionate impacts on Maaori. We want to do this by breaking the intergenerational cycle of harm that stems from the colonisation of Aotearoa so that Maaori can achieve equity of outcomes and their aspirations.


Kookiri ki Taamakimakaurau Trust recognises that Maaori have the knowledge, skills and capacity to control their health and destiny. As such, we want to empower them to change systems, so maatauranga Maaori drives Maaori futures.



Since the 1800s, our people have been battling against the disproportionate and unequal harm caused by waipiro on tangata whenua. We are the latest generation of tangata whenua committed to addressing this issue, building on the efforts of our tuupuna and propelling the cause forward.

For Raawiri David Ratuu, Kaiaarahi, the significance of this kaupapa cannot be overstated.

With the ongoing support and encouragement of his kuia, Dame Ngaaneko Minhinnick, Raawiri lodged the WAI2624 claim with the Waitangi Tribunal in 2017. He argued, among other things, that the Crown had failed to protect tangata whenua from the unequal and disproportionate harm caused by waipiro on their people. Dame Ngaaneko Minhinnick urged Raawiri to work toward "Keeping those bottle stores away from our marae, kura kaupapa, whare kura, kohanga reo, churches, and schools."

Her influence on Raawiri was significant, especially in shaping his thoughts regarding the challenges our people have faced since the arrival of Paakehaa in Aotearoa. The detrimental impact of waipiro on tangata whenua was foremost in her mind.


Alcohol Position Statement.

It is clear that the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 ('the Act') has had little impact on changing the environment that encourages unhealthy drinking, or on minimising alcohol-related harm to Maaori.


Accordingly, Kookiri ki Taamakimakaurau Trust has developed its policy position statement, which outlines our position on alcohol, and the solutions we believe are necessary to tackle alcohol harm. The Trust believes that implementing strategies to prevent alcohol-related harm to Maaori across Aotearoa New Zealand is essential to achieving equity of outcomes and Maaori aspirations.


These strategies will improve where Maaori live, learn, work, pray and play, and consequently, outcomes for all New Zealanders. What is good for Maaori is good for non-Maaori.


Each of the strategies in our position statement have been identified through current scientific practice and maatauranga Maaori. We add this caveat:


  • Some of the critical scientific documents are not strong on protecting and supporting indigenous health and wellbeing to achieve equity and mana Motuhake. For example, there is a lack of evidence on the impact of the universal policies on Maaori regarding the interventions included in World Health Organisation’s SAFER initiative (see page 8).

  • There is a lack of maatauranga Maaori in policy and legislation regarding the solutions for alcohol harm.

You can download our Alcohol Position Statement here.


Ngaa mihi! We'll be in touch soon.

© 2024 Kookiri ki Taamakimakaurau Trust

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